Best Practice – Working in your chemical protective gloves
Chemical protective gloves will only help to protect you if they are
- Properly selected, correctly fitted
- Used for the correct environment
- NOT torn, cut, punctured or otherwise damaged
Step1: Prior to donning your protective gloves
• Always follow manufacturer’s instructions for use
• Wear an inner glove if required
• Inspect the gloves for any defects and imperfections
Step 2: Wash and dry hands
Wash and ensure your hands are completely dry before donning the gloves
Step 3: Donning your gloves
• Fold back the elasticated outer sleeve
• Pull the gloves on one at a time and ensure that the gloves fit well.
Step 4: Sealing the gloves
• Return the outer sleeve to its original position
• An AlphaTec® Glove Connector should be worn to provide a liquid tight seal
• Alternatively, the outer sleeve should be taped using an impermeable tape
Step 5: Washing the gloves
• Wash the gloves before doffing to reduce the risk of skin contamination
• If this is not possible, take extra care when doffing to avoid the risk of chemical splash
Step 1:
• Remove the Glove Connector / tape carefully
• Pull the fingertips of one of the gloves
Step 2:
• Crumple the loosened finger tips into a ball
• Free hand partially from the glove
Step 3:
• Using the cuff of the partially removed glove, grip the other cuff and pull down until the second glove is inside out and over the top of the first glove
• Carefully dipose of the gloves into an appropriate waste unit and ensure no contact is made by the skin to the outer glove
Step 4:
• Carefully dipose of the gloves into an appropriate waste unit and ensure no contact is made by the skin to the outer glove