SKU: MicroMAX NS COL 428
Uses: Anti-static, against nuclear dust, against biological penetration (bacteria, microorganisms), Type 5, Type 6 chemicals.
Description: Anti-dirt, chemical clothing MicroMAX NS COL 428 has a fabric design . Flexible, comfortable, durable, light weight. There is a breathable, cooling layer on the back, keeping the body comfortable while working. Designed for a variety of users. Features a zipper cover for added protection. Minimize to prevent chemicals from entering the body through the opening of the zipper. MicroMAX NS COL 428 Dirt and Chemical Resistant Garment with zipper for enhanced wearing convenience. The arms and legs of the suit are used special materials to enhance flexibility.
Application: Used in industrial environment, chemical, construction, …
Recommended use:
– Absolutely do not use the product has expired, no longer intact.
– Do not use fake goods, imitation goods, poor quality goods, without red marks and labels from the place of manufacture.
– Store in a clean, dry place.
– Use only once, do not reuse for the next use
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