Lakeland 740 Heat Resistant Gloves Necessary equipment to protect hands during work from bad risks such as burns or unwanted skin damage.
Brand: Lakeland
SKU: 740
Uses: Protect hands to avoid risks during work
Lakeland 740 heat resistant gloves have a novel design, many high-quality materials resistant to temperatures up to 260°C. Luxurious design, raising the value of users’ hands. Size fits most Asians. Suitable for many applications in high heat environments.
The Lakeland 740 is not a conventional design. It is designed to cover the whole hand instead of dividing each finger separately. This makes the product more difficult to tear and damage. That is why it attracts many consumers around the world. Especially those who often have to work, are exposed to heat and high temperatures, which can cause damage to their hands.
With the advantage of being able to withstand heat up to 300 degrees Celsius, Lakeland 740 gloves are the perfect choice for you
– Metal fabrication and welding
– Cement Production
– Lime mortar
– Manufacturing and assembling
– Forging
– Mechanical
– Scientific research
– Processing industry