Safety lockout lockout for pipe head valve – Necessary equipment to be installed in all water, gas, chemical, …
Brand: Brady
Color: Red
Uses: Helps prevent cases arising on the valve
Description: Brady loto safety lock is a manually actuated spool valve protection device. The base of the device can stay in place after being installed without affecting valve activation. Compact design, easy to see, easy to use. The material is made of super durable polypropylene with a wide operating temperature range, suitable for many working environments
Standard: UNSPSC 39121909
>> See more appropriate safety locking tools to improve the quality of the working environment here: lockout-tagout/safety
Lockout – Tagout (abbreviated as LOTO) (roughly translated as locking and tagging) is a process to prevent risks, accidents, and incidents. LOTO will temporarily isolate the energy source used to operate machines and systems that may be accidentally started during maintenance, replacement, and installation.
The worker will proceed to lock the power source and hold the key, to ensure that only he or she can remove the lock and start the machine. This prevents others from accidentally starting the machine while the worker is performing maintenance and repair operations.
Lockout-tagout is used as a technical measure to prevent accidents and is mandatory in some countries.